Monday, April 30, 2012
Crucial Words that Begin Crucial Questions.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Sonny on a cold night.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
P.O.D Concert, how I survived.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Treasures of the Week: 2nd Edition
(1) Drew Ryniewicz - First Audition on X-factor 2011
Pictures: Gwyneth Paltrow -
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Today I...
There were 2 reasons I was there, (1) I wanted to see a Christian get smashed in the face with an egg (2) I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to get my own evangelizing on. So a few posts ago I had a heart attack because The Whosoevers are coming to speak in Auckland. This is a global movement that I believe in and am passionate about with all my heart. More than anything I want word out about what they do, who they are and what they stand for because I truly believe people especially youth will be able to connect with them on a level they never thought they could connect with anyone on.One of the co-founders Sonny Sandoval tweeted a couple weeks back to "spread the word fam" on their coming. Yesterday, those words were just ringing and ringing through my ears and getting lodged deep into my heart. So out of nowhere I just decided to make quick little flyers on Word with details of the event and try and give them out at uni with the intention of sharing about the movement and hopefully about my own faith. NO JOKES, I have never done this before on my own. I've done the tiniest bit of street evangelism, but I don't really think standing around in an empty alley way with traits counts, I mean it does, but that's the extent to which I've done outreach and that was with my youth group in Fiji. THIS TIME, it was just me, these flyers and the Holy Spirit. You know what though, I wasn't nervous at all, I was more excited than anything until...I got to uni. That's when ish got REAL haha. I watched a couple Christians get egged, then the Holy Spirit turned my attention to these boys sitting down, I scoped them out and stared at them for a good 10mins, nervously waiting for a good time to go over. All I said to myself was "In Jesus Name, confidence of the Lord, who cares" ....walked over GOT BOUNCED. HAHA, No it wasn't that bad, they just said "oh no thanks". It killed my excitement, I'll tell you that. But in that moment God reminded me of how people turned their faces and backs and refused Him when He approached them or the thousands of missionaries out there who get beat and sworn at for even mentioning His Name. In that moment God reminded me that the first step is always the hardest because it is the most real. So with His courage because HEAPS I had, I just carried on and starting scoping the spot like a NBA scout lol. Since there were Christians in the crowd I decided, "yes they should be cool", and ICE COLD they were. I asked these 2 girls if they were part of Student Life, they said "yeah", to which I responded, "Oh then you guys will be down for this" acting like I just saw them, BUT REALLY been stalking them for 15mins haha. It was perfect, I shared a little bit about what it was about & who was going to be there. One of them got excited because she loved Rapture Ruckus. We exchanged cards, a.k.a they gave me some student life traits and I gave them some leaflets to give to their friends and we went on our merry way.
As I walked away I felt tears swell up and my heart fill heavily with gratefulness. I realized how faithful God is in the smallest moments, how He was with me in every step I took toward someone. I felt something I had not felt in a long time, that burning desire to tell the world and not care if I'm deemed insane, boring or stupid. And only God knew today would be that day I step out of my comfort zone and confront a hurting world head on. Praise be to a God that changes lives no matter how deep the sin and uses them for beautiful beginnings. Now thinking back to everything that happened today, I know every detail was part of a perfect plan. I'm going to go again tomorrow, this time with my brother and I'm going to meet Jesus wherever He calls.
Picture: My own